Six Ways to Get Start Menu in Windows 8

Windows 8 is the latest version of Microsoft. The first update of this is windows 7 which was released three years ago. Windows 8 Operating System is that it can work same as with the tablets, laptops and desktop computers. This can support the input by keyboard & mouse and by touchscreen also, but Start Menu is one of the missing feature of the windows 8. Start menu contains all the programs and shortcuts.
In Windows 8 we can get Start Menu Back by following Options :
• The Classic Shell
The use of Classic Shell is free and it is an open source. This can be termed as a kind of the start menu. This can include the features of windows XP, Windows 2000 and 98, Windows vista/7 and also this is more configurable.
startmenu by classic shell Six Ways to Get Start Menu in Windows 8
• The Start8
In addition to the Windows 7 start menu, it can also offer us the Windows 8 start menu as such. Here, the Start8 is not free to use as we can use the classic shell. If you want to make the use of Start8 for long term, then you have to pay for it. More accuracy can be experienced in the windows 7 as compared to the classic shell. Now the Start8  is very much familiar with the Window 8 as it contains the new start screen inside it.
Start menu by start8 Six Ways to Get Start Menu in Windows 8
• The IObit Start Menu 8
If someone who is disappointed by the classic shell and cannot buy it, then we can make the use of the new start menu called as the IObit Start Menu 8. This is completely free and can perform the all basic functions as compare to the classic shell. Then, one has to right click on the start menu and for our computer use, we find that there is a large number of options which we can make use in Windows 8 and we can hide the other side bars.
startmenu bt iobit Six Ways to Get Start Menu in Windows 8
• Create your own start menu
With the help of windows taskbar, we can create our own new start menus and they can display the content of a folder. Without using any software, we can create menus here.
• The Pokki
This policy can be defined as the application store for the windows. The Pokki can also offer us various start menus for Windows 8. This does not copy the content and this can have the different design. As this policy offers various categories of applications as well as settings. One can create your favourite part, where we can place our most useful programs.
start menu by pokki Six Ways to Get Start Menu in Windows 8
• The Vistart Menu
Vistart Menu offers various features such as custom skins, buttons and incredible features. It is also compatible with the other versions of operating systems such as Windows 7, Vista and XP.

  How to Hide any Drive using command prompt

You can hide the command Prompt using command prompt. 

What is the use?

    Hide your important Personal drive.  So whenever third person or your friend uses your computer,they won't know there is know hidden drive.  So you can hide a file from a third person.

How to do?

Just follow my steps to hide the drive.

Step 1:

Open the command prompt. (start->All programs->accessories->cmd)
Type as
and hit Enter

Step 2:

  Now type as

list volume
This will list the available volume.

Step  3:

Now we need to select the drive . so use this command "select volume volume_no"
replace the volume_no in this command with '###' value of  drive which you want to hide.
 For eg:
I am going to hide the E drive.  ### no for E drive is 2.  so the command is

select volume 2

Step 4:

Type as "remove letter drive_lettter"
Replace the drive_letter your drive letter which you want to hide.
I am going to hide E drive ,so

remove letter E

Now your drive will be hidden

type "exit" to exit from the Diskpart.

Step 5:

To make your drive to visible
follow the 1,2,3 steps.
then type as "assign letter drive_letter"
Replace the drive_letter with your drive letter.

I am going to make my E drive visible.


assign letter E

Type exit and hit enter to exit from the diskpart



1 comment:

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    Thanks for sharing

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